7th Carrickfergus BB

The BB in Carrick Elim has been going for a good few years now with some great leaders in there week in week out keeping it going.  

Its been split up into 3 different sections

- Anchor Boys

- Junior Section

- Company Section

Anchor Boys

The Anchor Boys are run on a Thursday night from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. This section is for boys ages between 5 and 8 years old and is ran by Nadine Redmond and Joanna Lesslie, with Daniel and Kerry as helpers.

This is the youngest age group of our BB company, were from an early age are introduced to and participate in a range of activities to aid them in becoming active citizens within their community.  Here they are given the opportunity to play and learn throughout the bible and gives them the safe space they need to create and develop friendships within a uniformed organisation.

 Junior Section

The Junior Section is on Tuesday night for those boys aged 8 to 11 years old from 7-8pm.  Leaders In charge for Junior Section is Gary Thompson, David Redmond, with Andrew Macleod and Ethan McGreevey as helpers .

Junior section gives they young people the opportunity to develop and learn new skills. The fun and engaging programme provides the opportunity to learn and grow in their faith as both individuals and the section as a group. 

 Company & Senior Sections

The Company section is for guys that have just turned 12 and go up to 18 years old. The boys are there on a Tuesday night from 8pm - 10.30pm straight after Junior section.  This section is headed up by Dessie Burgess, followed by David Redmond, Robert Lavelle and Emma Delaney.

From here they will be consulted with at the stages of programme planning to allow them to have a say and ownership in their future planning.  They can get involved in anything from helping others in their local community to playing sports, trying our adventure activities or being creative – there’s something for everyone!


30 years of 7th Carrick BB