The Bible is not just a book to me. It is a meeting place where I go to meet personally with God – to hear his voice, to discover his character, to see his beauty in Christ, to know him & be known by him. This is why I believe it is important to have a personal physical Bible to aid our spiritual growth, in which we can underline & note things God reveals or speaks to us. One that we also bring with us when we gather as church to meet God. The thing I love about my physical Bible (compared to my virtual formats which I love...) is that IT IS ONLY A BIBLE. It does not have the distractions of my phone or Kindle, or a Tablet or Ipad. It’s a place I go to get away from these things, & everything, to know more of God.
Also, while the Bible is a meeting place it is not like any other place. For it is a meeting place I can carry with me anywhere & everywhere – in the car, on holiday, up a mountain, to the cafe, work & church etc. It is a Holy Book which can turn anywhere into a Holy Place because the Holy God is always near. It is a meeting place designed for all of life. For a busy mum it is a meeting place she can quickly run to when the children are finally content playing or watching TV. For the business man it is a meeting place he can go to at lunch time or between appointments... For the lorry driver it is a meeting place he can pull into as he travels... For the sick person it is a meeting place they can keep by their bedside in the hospital or home... because their hearts are inclined towards God.
See when we see the Bible as a meeting place it becomes more about knowing & discovering God than performing a religious duty or knowing more stuff. I have a confession to make: I have never read the Bible in a year... The reason is simple. I have resolved that I would far rather meet with God than rush by him... Reading the Bible in a year can be like driving through spectacular scenery at 100km per hour to me, why would you do that? No you want to go slowly & take it in. You want to take in the beauty & scenery you witness so you can take pictures & show others.
How about this year instead of making a resolution to read the Bible in a year we resolve to simply meet with God in his Word? This may result in it taking us a few years getting through the whole Bible, but I will tell you this! You will be less likely to give up, you will feel less of a failure after a month or two, & you will remember more, learn more, obey more, grow more, be captivated more, enjoy more, be changed more & know God more. For you will have met with him in such a way that you encounter the abiding presence of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit in your life. And when you meet with God in his Word you can’t wait until the next opportunity you get to open his Book.
By John Fitzsimmons